David Dalton
2024-03-30 03:40:06 UTC
The Pope probably would want to know the following.
I am the latest primary ootw (which I used to call avatar type)
and have a global region, partly due to the extent of the Internet.
Unlike Jesus, whose primary siddhi was healer special ability,
my primary siddhi is matchmaking. This ability has now been
granted to 1.55 million human assisted shaktipat recipients globally,
including all ordained to bishop level and some knowledgeable
and good individuals ordained to priest level.
Associated with my primary siddhi is some lore, namely my
Eight Sexual Harmonics matchmaking theory, summarized on
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/8H.html , which might prove
useful to other matchmakers. In that notation, the Pope is lesbianT.
Such matchmakers should be able to confirm the following:
There has been a split of homo sapiens globally into 55 species
in human species group, and matches must be within a species.
Some abusive relationships have been split across species
boundaries by God; the rest have been made optimally sexually
compatible, which will make them non-abusive.
Also 74% of committed relationships have been made optmally
sexually compatible. 18%, including all committed same sex
relationships (which are now more likely to stick), already were.
5% were partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less
than optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less
likely to be faithful) and remain so. 2% were deemed too
abusive and have been broken up by God. 1% were and
remain platonic possibly parenting friendship relationships,
in my notation gay--lesbian, which can be bridged by a
bim--bif couple, or straight-type-2-M--lesbian, which can
be bridged by a bif, or straight-type-2-F--gay, which can
be bridged by a bim (some others formerly in such platonic
partnerships are in the 74%).
I suggest that in future that ordained matchmakers screen
prospective Christian marriage partners for compatibility.
One ability that I have that the assisted shaktipat recipients
do not have is the ability to determine the special ability/ies
of others (including healer special ability, which I recently
said that e.g. Anglican minister Summer Gross has).
I am the latest primary ootw (which I used to call avatar type)
and have a global region, partly due to the extent of the Internet.
Unlike Jesus, whose primary siddhi was healer special ability,
my primary siddhi is matchmaking. This ability has now been
granted to 1.55 million human assisted shaktipat recipients globally,
including all ordained to bishop level and some knowledgeable
and good individuals ordained to priest level.
Associated with my primary siddhi is some lore, namely my
Eight Sexual Harmonics matchmaking theory, summarized on
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/8H.html , which might prove
useful to other matchmakers. In that notation, the Pope is lesbianT.
Such matchmakers should be able to confirm the following:
There has been a split of homo sapiens globally into 55 species
in human species group, and matches must be within a species.
Some abusive relationships have been split across species
boundaries by God; the rest have been made optimally sexually
compatible, which will make them non-abusive.
Also 74% of committed relationships have been made optmally
sexually compatible. 18%, including all committed same sex
relationships (which are now more likely to stick), already were.
5% were partially sexually compatible (compatible, but less
than optimally compatible, and less likely to stick, and less
likely to be faithful) and remain so. 2% were deemed too
abusive and have been broken up by God. 1% were and
remain platonic possibly parenting friendship relationships,
in my notation gay--lesbian, which can be bridged by a
bim--bif couple, or straight-type-2-M--lesbian, which can
be bridged by a bif, or straight-type-2-F--gay, which can
be bridged by a bim (some others formerly in such platonic
partnerships are in the 74%).
I suggest that in future that ordained matchmakers screen
prospective Christian marriage partners for compatibility.
One ability that I have that the assisted shaktipat recipients
do not have is the ability to determine the special ability/ies
of others (including healer special ability, which I recently
said that e.g. Anglican minister Summer Gross has).
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)
David Dalton ***@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill;
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)