2016-04-13 22:32:39 UTC
Mostra as mentiras do Macri.
Os argentinos tem ate um "despidometro", que mede as dezenas
de milhares de pessoas demitidas dos seus empregos, a maioria da
industria nacional. E o Macri prometeu criar empregos. Que coxinhas
otarios ! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Interessante que um dos acordos foi a de monitorar o povo
Argentino, para evitar "atos de terrorismo". O ultimo "ato
terrorista" na Argentina foi o terrorismo estatal da ditadura militar,
sob comando dos Norte Americanos.
A monitoracao sera feita pelo Departamento de Defesa (DoD)
Norte Americano. A "nova" policia secreta Argentina tera acesso a
alguns dos dados, os que interessam aos EUA.
//To enhance law enforcement and counterterrorism cooperation,
the Argentine Ministry of Security and the Departments of Justice
(DOJ) and Homeland Security (DHS) signed a Preventing and Combating
Serious Crime Agreement, intended to facilitate and expedite the
exchange of information on known and potential criminals and
terrorists. To improve travel security, the Ministry of Security and
DHS agreed to collaborate to enhance measures for onboard flight
protection by implementing an inflight security officer program.
Argentina and the United States also signed a joint statement pledging
to continue collaboration to enhance security. Finally, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection will help enhance Argentinas border security.
Taken together, these measures not only enhance security, but are also
important steps to support Argentinas eligibility for the Visa Waiver
Program. To facilitate travel by U.S. citizens to Argentina, the
Argentine government will terminate the $160 reciprocity fee paid by
U.S. tourists.//
Ate a alfandega e seguranca dos aeroportos Argentinos passara
a ser feito por agentes norte americanos. O FHC deve estar morrendo de
inveja, ele que deu o cu. O Macri deu a cueca tambem.
PS Os coxinhas ficarao felizes em saber que a viadagem tambem esta
protegida pelo acordo, tambem sob supervisao Norte Americana. O
Bolsonaro vai finalmente poder "sair do armario".
//Argentina also announced support for the recently established LGBTI
Rapporteur at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and for
the opening of a similar office at the UN Human Rights Council.//
LGBTI = Lesbicas, Gays, Bisexuais, Transgenders e Interespecie
(bestialismo - sim, o Dom Cachorro ta liberado). Aleluia, irmao..
Mostra as mentiras do Macri.
Os argentinos tem ate um "despidometro", que mede as dezenas
de milhares de pessoas demitidas dos seus empregos, a maioria da
industria nacional. E o Macri prometeu criar empregos. Que coxinhas
otarios ! kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Interessante que um dos acordos foi a de monitorar o povo
Argentino, para evitar "atos de terrorismo". O ultimo "ato
terrorista" na Argentina foi o terrorismo estatal da ditadura militar,
sob comando dos Norte Americanos.
A monitoracao sera feita pelo Departamento de Defesa (DoD)
Norte Americano. A "nova" policia secreta Argentina tera acesso a
alguns dos dados, os que interessam aos EUA.
//To enhance law enforcement and counterterrorism cooperation,
the Argentine Ministry of Security and the Departments of Justice
(DOJ) and Homeland Security (DHS) signed a Preventing and Combating
Serious Crime Agreement, intended to facilitate and expedite the
exchange of information on known and potential criminals and
terrorists. To improve travel security, the Ministry of Security and
DHS agreed to collaborate to enhance measures for onboard flight
protection by implementing an inflight security officer program.
Argentina and the United States also signed a joint statement pledging
to continue collaboration to enhance security. Finally, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection will help enhance Argentinas border security.
Taken together, these measures not only enhance security, but are also
important steps to support Argentinas eligibility for the Visa Waiver
Program. To facilitate travel by U.S. citizens to Argentina, the
Argentine government will terminate the $160 reciprocity fee paid by
U.S. tourists.//
Ate a alfandega e seguranca dos aeroportos Argentinos passara
a ser feito por agentes norte americanos. O FHC deve estar morrendo de
inveja, ele que deu o cu. O Macri deu a cueca tambem.
PS Os coxinhas ficarao felizes em saber que a viadagem tambem esta
protegida pelo acordo, tambem sob supervisao Norte Americana. O
Bolsonaro vai finalmente poder "sair do armario".
//Argentina also announced support for the recently established LGBTI
Rapporteur at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and for
the opening of a similar office at the UN Human Rights Council.//
LGBTI = Lesbicas, Gays, Bisexuais, Transgenders e Interespecie
(bestialismo - sim, o Dom Cachorro ta liberado). Aleluia, irmao..
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012