Pushing Brazilian, Argentinian and Vietnamese Freedom Fighters Out of Airplanes Without Parachutes - A Perfect Solution To Terrorism
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2017-04-16 15:34:03 UTC
We did the same thing with
freedom fighters
during Vietnam. When VC prisoners wouldn't
talk, we'd take one or two up in a chopper to 500 feet or so, then toss them
out with their comrades on the ground looking on. From what I heard,
information soon followed...
It's no wonder you are so "terrified" of their revenge you
call them "terrorists".
Wet the bed much during those "terrifying" nightmares you have
in the mental home ? Do the nurses make you lie in your stink for days
or do they change the sheets ?
I'm genuinely concerned.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-04-16 17:53:01 UTC
It's no wonder you are so "terrified" of their revenge you call them
Another fun thing we used to do with gooks was to blindfold one, load him
into a chopper, then lift off and hover about 3-4 feet above the ground for
about a minute. Thinking he was going to do a thousand-foot death plunge,
Charlie would usually let out a hell of a shriek when pushed out, only to
survive for further interrogation...
2017-04-16 18:13:29 UTC
Post by Byker
It's no wonder you are so "terrified" of their revenge you call them
Another fun thing we used to do with
<freedom fighters and patriots>
Post by Byker
was to blindfold one, load him
into a chopper, then lift off and hover about 3-4 feet above the ground for
about a minute. Thinking he was going to do a thousand-foot death plunge,
Charlie would usually let out a hell of a shriek when pushed out, only to
survive for further interrogation...
Be sure to mention it when you visit Brazil. then ask them to
show you the trick with tires and petrol they learned with the CIA.
That will also make you shriek.

Oh wait, unemployment benefits won't cover the costs of the
flight. Unless you fly United. Buy a cheap local ticket. Make a fuss
after you are seated about not having a personal geriatric diaper
dispenser, and buy a ticket here with the 5000 dollars they give you
when they kick you off the flight.

No, you're too much of a snowflake to pull it off.

Well, wet-dream about it or something. Whatever gets you off.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2017-04-17 07:09:42 UTC
Post by Shadow
We did the same thing with
freedom fighters
during Vietnam. When VC prisoners wouldn't
talk, we'd take one or two up in a chopper to 500 feet or so, then toss them
out with their comrades on the ground looking on. From what I heard,
information soon followed...
It's no wonder you are so "terrified" of their revenge you
call them "terrorists".
Wet the bed much during those "terrifying" nightmares you have
in the mental home ? Do the nurses make you lie in your stink for days
or do they change the sheets ?
I'm genuinely concerned.
Up pops Jonathon Ball aka Shadow..The Idiot that failed to read the
Geneva Conventions, Now condemning those that really went to war. Too
bad little Jonthy was a bed wetter and a blood tossing war protester
that didn't have to get his tiny hands all dirty and bloody being a patriot.
It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard
the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all
ages who mean to govern well, but *They mean to govern*. They promise to
be good masters, *but they mean to be masters*. Daniel Webster
2017-04-17 12:41:04 UTC
Post by PaxPerPoten
Post by Shadow
We did the same thing with
freedom fighters
during Vietnam. When VC prisoners wouldn't
talk, we'd take one or two up in a chopper to 500 feet or so, then toss them
out with their comrades on the ground looking on. From what I heard,
information soon followed...
It's no wonder you are so "terrified" of their revenge you
call them "terrorists".
Wet the bed much during those "terrifying" nightmares you have
in the mental home ? Do the nurses make you lie in your stink for days
or do they change the sheets ?
I'm genuinely concerned.
Up pops Jonathon Ball aka Shadow..The Idiot that failed to read the
Geneva Conventions, Now condemning those that really went to war. Too
bad little Jonthy was a bed wetter and a blood tossing war protester
that didn't have to get his tiny hands all dirty and bloody being a patriot.
I have no idea of who "Jonathan Ball" is but he obviously has
more "Balls" than you do. There is NOTHING "patriotic" about killing
defenseless Brazilian, Argentinean or Vietnamese civilians.
Ask your doctor to up your meds. You're losing it.
PTSD = guilt.
World War II soldiers never had it. Guess why ?
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012